elisa_rolle Feb 02, 2014 22:12
genre: futuristic, review, theme: breeches rippers, length: novella, theme: bondage submission, author: dusk peterson, theme: back to the future
elisa_rolle Jan 31, 2013 14:17
genre: futuristic, theme: breeches rippers, theme: back to the future, author: marie sexton, theme: pirates, review, rainbow awards 2012, length: novel
elisa_rolle Oct 31, 2012 15:19
genre: futuristic, review, theme: breeches rippers, theme: virgins, author: j.l. langley, theme: back to the future, length: novel
elisa_rolle Jul 16, 2012 13:34
genre: futuristic, review, length: novella, theme: back to the future, author: cornelia grey, theme: pirates
elisa_rolle Jul 15, 2012 17:41
genre: futuristic, author: augusta li, theme: apocalypse now, author: eon de beaumont, theme: back to the future, theme: demons, review, length: novella
elisa_rolle Jun 04, 2012 16:45
genre: fantasy, review, theme: breeches rippers, author: h.b. kurtzwilde, theme: back to the future, theme: pirates, length: novel
elisa_rolle May 18, 2012 22:29
genre: fantasy, review, length: novella, theme: elves, theme: cinderfella, theme: back to the future, author: brenna lyons
elisa_rolle Oct 24, 2011 21:28
genre: futuristic, review, theme: breeches rippers, theme: apocalypse now, author: r.w. day, theme: back to the future, length: novel
elisa_rolle Oct 19, 2011 18:02
genre: futuristic, review, theme: breeches rippers, theme: bondage submission, author: j.c. natal, theme: back to the future, length: novel
elisa_rolle Aug 26, 2011 12:34
genre: futuristic, theme: disability, author: amber kell, theme: breeches rippers, theme: back to the future, review, theme: alpha males, theme: shapeshifters, length: novella, genre: paranormal